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Africa By Don Lino
The brand, established by the well-regarded cigar maker Don Lino, has a reputation for creating high-quality, complex cigars. It is well-constructed with a firm yet giving feel, ensuring a consistent draw. The cigar is usually finished with a closed foot and a well-defined cap. Like many premium cigars, the Africa by Don Lino can benefit from aging. With time, the flavors can mellow and integrate further, providing a more refined smoking experience. The Africa by Don Lino is celebrated for its rich and varied flavor profile, combined with a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience. It is often appreciated for its complexity and balance, making it a favored choice for both special occasions and regular enjoyment.
Wrapper: dark natural shade Binder: Nicaraguan Filler: Blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Coffee, Leather, and Nuts Body: medium to full-bodied