Making a Straight Ligero cigar requires a unique understanding of the leaf. Ligero comes from the top of the tobacco plant. Its direct exposure to the sun darkens and thickens the leaf. Smaller than leaves lower on the plant, it also enjoys a concentration of nutrients. Habano Seed Ligero is recognized as the most full flavored leaf. Additionally, the region in which this Habano Seed is grown plays a significant role in its flavor and strength.
FORCED REFINED. This thick, dark Nicaraguan wrapper is all that stands between you and three of the richest, most distinct Nicaraguan Ligeros the world has to offer. Perfectly balanced for a strong, but smooth burn, the Cain F is a high performance cigar designed for those in pursuit of a bold smoking experience. It's 32% Esteli Ligero which is the strongest of all the Ligeros and so it must be used with care as it can overpower the other fillers in a cigar; 25% Condega Ligero which is a medium body Ligero grown further north of Esteli, and while it's still a very full body leaf, it's more tame strength exhibits complex richness; and finally 25% Jalapa Ligero which is the smoothest of these powerhouses because it's grown in a valley in the northern most tobacco region of Nicaragua, so it therefore enjoys less direct sun, the result of which is a full body leaf with a more noticeable range of flavor.