Cavalier Geneve
Regional Exclusive USA
For Swiss-themed company Cavalier Gen?ve, their US-exclusive cigar has had quite the journey. The cigar dates back to 2016, then debuting as the Cavalier Gen?ve Black Series. This cigar was later rebranded as the Cavalier USA Exclusive Series, being offered only to the US market. Finally, the cigar has now been rebranded and re-blended, now going by the name Cavalier Gen?ve US Regional Exclusive.
As part of the new direction, the cigar will fall under an overarching regional series, with the US cigar likely to be joined by other blends for various regions of the world. But let's stick with the US, shall we? The cigars are now rolled at Cavalier's own boutique factory in Honduras, making use of a Mexican San Andr?s wrapper, a Connecticut binder that was grown in Honduras, and a diverse filler selection from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the US.
Finalized with Cavalier's signature gold foil smokable bands, the Cavalier Genève US Regional Exclusive cigar is an exciting smoking experience from start to finish. Cigar hobbyists can expect a medium-plus body, making way for a somewhat dark profile of earth, toasted oak, semi-sweet chocolate, and zesty clove-like spice.