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H. Upmann Legacy
Cigar lovers have been enjoying H. Upmann cigars since 1844, and it's now one of the premium cigar world's best-known and most highly trusted brands.
Building on the heritage of this revered brand, H. Upmann Legacy brings new excitement to the contemporary aficionado with this line of modern, fuller-bodied smokes. Each cigar is meticulously hand-crafted with vintage 2008 tobaccos grown from heirloom seeds treasured for generations.
A dark, mountain grown Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper surrounds a savory binder from the cloud-cooled rainforests of Nicaragua and an intense mix of prized Nicaraguan and Dominican filler tobaccos. This exquisite blend results in a vibrant, fuller-bodied smoke complemented by a myriad of subtle and complex flavors unlike any H. Upmann before it.
Experience a modern legacy.