Nica Rustica is a medium to full strength cigar that is blended to showcase native Nicaraguan tobaccos from Esteli and Jalapa. Aficionados will enjoy this robust, deeply satisfying and rustic smoke. Genuine Connecticut Broadleaf encases the Nica Rustica and imparts a subtle natural tobacco sweetness and spice to the unpolished, unrefined blend that was developed for hardcore tobacco lovers.
"Con Orgullo" (with pride) is embedded deep within the people and the culture of Esteli, Nicaragua. Estelianos have embraced the image of "El Brujito" as a sign of pride and display it though out their city in iron works, graffiti and sculpture. Carved into stone over 6,000 years ago by a flourishing Pre-Columbian civilization, "El Brujito" literally means "the Shaman". Early Shamanic practices included the use of tobacco in ceremonial and medicinal rituals - and Drew Estate is proud to emblazon this project with his image.