Odyssey Cigars was conceived by a group of experienced cigar makers with the aim of producing a line of cigars that combine the tradition of old-world craftsmanship with modern innovation. The term "Odyssey" reflects a journey?both in terms of the smoker?s experience and the brand?s commitment to perfecting its products. Each cigar is an adventure in flavor, taking the smoker on a voyage through complex layers of taste and aroma. The brand?s philosophy centers on the idea that a good cigar is not just a smoking experience but a celebration of life?s finer moments. As such, Odyssey Cigars prides itself on delivering consistency, quality, and innovation in every stick they produce. Odyssey Cigars offers several lines, each with its own unique characteristics and flavor profiles. Here are some of the most notable:
Odyssey Classic: A milder smoke with a creamy texture and hints of cedar and nutmeg. The Odyssey Classic is a smooth, medium-bodied cigar that is well-suited for those who prefer a more balanced smoke without overwhelming strength.
Odyssey Bold: For those who enjoy a richer, fuller flavor, the Odyssey Bold is a more robust offering. It features stronger, spicier notes with earthy undertones and a long, satisfying finish.
Odyssey Reserve: This line is known for its complexity, with a mix of aged tobaccos that impart deep, rich flavors. Smokers can expect a combination of sweet, woody, and peppery flavors with a creamy texture. It's ideal for those who enjoy a full-bodied experience with layers of flavor.
Odyssey Maduro: Featuring a dark, oily maduro wrapper, this line offers a sweeter, fuller taste with notes of cocoa, espresso, and dark fruits. The Odyssey Maduro is a popular choice for those who enjoy cigars with a more intense, robust flavor.