Master blender AJ Fernandez puts his spin on America's most beloved cigar to create a new classic in its own right. 100% Nicaraguan, 100% Reserva Real. Blended by Rafael Nodal and AJ Fernandez and handcrafted at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez in Esteli, Nicaragua.
Romeo y Julieta is among the most storied brands in the cigar industry. From its origins in Cuba to the current juggernaut of cigars coming out of the Dominican Republic, you won't find a cigar shop in the country that isn't fully stocked on Romeos.
Lines such as the 1875 and Reserva Real have been the backbone of the Dominican Romeo brand for years. They are among the most popular and best-selling cigars in the US. Now, Romeo is starting a new chapter and adding a special, new blend to its storied Reserva Real line.
The Reserva Real Nicaragua is handcrafted by legendary blender, and frequent AUSA collaborator, AJ Fernandez. It uses 100% Nicaraguan tobaccos, all grown right on AJs family farms. It starts off with just a touch of spice, but then transitions to rich coffee notes, with touches of oak and leather.
The Reserva Real is one of the more visually stunning cigars I've seen this year. Its wrapper is oily and nearly flawless, with almost no visible blemishes. This is a very exciting release and starts a new chapter in the Romeo story.