Room101's The Big Payback cigars are a notable offering in the brand's lineup, renowned for their distinctive blend and enjoyable smoking experience. These cigars are crafted in Honduras, using a combination of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos for both the filler and binder, which contributes to their complex flavor profile.
The Big Payback cigars are generally considered medium-bodied, striking a balance between strength and smoothness that appeals to a wide range of cigar enthusiasts. They are characterized by notes of earth, cedar, pepper, and sometimes hints of sweetness, providing a nuanced smoking experience that evolves pleasantly throughout the cigar.
One of the standout features of The Big Payback cigars is their consistent construction, ensuring a smooth draw and even burn. This reliability makes them a favorite among aficionados who appreciate quality craftsmanship and a reliable smoking experience.
Overall, Room101's The Big Payback cigars are a solid choice for those seeking a well-rounded cigar that delivers on flavor, complexity, and craftsmanship, making them a staple in many humidors.
Wrapper: Ecuadorian HabanoBinder: Nicaraguan and Honduran
Filler: Nicaraguan and Honduran
Tasting Notes - earth, cedar, pepper, and sometimes hints of sweetness
Body - Medium