Every so often a cigar is released with universal appeal and accessibility. Cubico is one of those cigars. Not too strong for Mild-Medium cigar smokers, yet flavorful enough to satisfy a palette that's typically drawn to full bodied smokes. Great as a morning smoke with a cup of coffee or in the evening with a couple fingers of whiskey or a brew.
Using an Ecuadorian Cubano wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, Cubico is made in Esteli, Nicaragua. The name derives from the unique square press of each size. Excellent construction with an easy draw allows you to really focus on the flavors this cigar delivers. Enjoy notes of cocoa, leather, nougat and caramel as the flavors intensify and change throughout the smoking experience. Don't delay getting some of these smokes, available in 3 vitolas: Robusto, Toro and Gran Toro.