Sindicato Cigars was officially launched January 16, 2013 when a group of passionate cigar loving Tobacconists decided to extend their cigar knowledge and experience into making cigar brands. Their goal was to create a cigar company whose mission is to put the tobacco retailer and its customers first. The Tobacconist can trust that Sindicato Cigars will create quality brands that they can wholeheartedly support and that will never work against them. Consumers can trust that the collaboration of the country's top cigar minds, who have listened to your words day in and day out, will create top quality brands based on the knowledge that those same consumers have provided.
Sindicato Maduro, the long-awaited followup to Sindicato's eponymous release, is here! Featuring a beautiful, oily and dark maduro wrapper from Alberto and Alejandro Turrent's farm in San Andres Mexico, a double binder of Esteli, Nicaraguan tobaccos and a filler blend consisting of tobaccos from Esteli and Jalapa - all blended by Arsenio Ramos - Sindicato Maduro is a rich, toasty, earthy and chocolaty premium cigar that is nothing short of satisfying.