Sure, the "S.F." stands for "short filler"...but we dare you not to enjoy these high-quality, low-priced cigars expertly handmade in the famed My Father factory run by Don Pep?n, the big name behind some of the premium-cigar world's best-loved boutique-style brands.
Tabacos Baez Serie S.F. handmade cigars are created in the Cuban "sandwich" style, which means they feature a filler blend including top-quality tobacco leaf in both long and short varieties (and that leaf comes from the same tobacco plants cultivated for the factory's pricier cigars). Surrounded by a flavorful Nicaraguan binder and finished with a flawless Nicaraguan EMS rapper in a velvety-brown color, Tabacos Baez Serie S.F. cigars offer a medium-bodied strength profile and notes of coffee, earth, and spice from a draw and burn so smooth and consistent that you'd swear these Nicaraguan puros are 100% long-filler leaf.
Patiently drafted in the world-famous My Father factory in Estel, Nicaragua, under the watchful eye of legendary cigar-maker Jose Pepin Garcia, Tabacos Baez SF is a glistening Nicaraguan puro. A medium-bodied profile of coffee beans and leather with a velvety texture satisfies the palate in a handful of traditional shapes for an amazing value.