Villiger 1888 Dominican Republic
Villiger is a cigar brand that has been around since 1888, originating in Switzerland. The brand has a storied history and has established itself as a significant player in the cigar industry over the years. Villiger is known for producing high-quality cigars, and they have a long tradition of blending expertise and craftsmanship. The brand has a reputation for combining traditional methods with modern innovations.
The combination of Nicaraguan tobaccos in all components ensures a cigar with a robust, rich flavor profile, characteristic of Nicaraguan cigars. The careful selection and blending of these tobaccos contribute to the Villiger 1888 Nicaragua's reputation for quality and complexity. The Villiger 1888 Dominican Republic cigars are a testament to the brand's rich heritage and commitment to quality. With its mild flavor profile, smooth construction, and balanced complexity, it offers a pleasant and refined smoking experience. Whether you're a seasoned cigar aficionado or a casual smoker, the Villiger 1888 provides a reliable and enjoyable smoke.
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade Binder: Nicaraguan, Dominican Filler: Nicaraguan, Dominican Tasting Notes - Spicy, Earthy, Coffee, Cocoa, Nutty, Sweet, Woody Body - Medium - Full